The Lift - an animated cartoon by Rob Kohr

Posts Tagged ‘organization’

Organization and production

I just wanted to make a brief note on organization, the production side of the project.  I know this sounds crazy and ‘un-artistic’ but to be a filmmaker and an efficient filmmaker you have to be organized.  Before I start ANY project I create a chart of goals.  The finished chart for “The Lift” (above), was used to not only keep my self motivated, to keep CG sequences organized but also to organize the freelancers who helped me.  First, list out all your shots, then try to visually determine their complexity.  I used several ways; how many characters are in the shot, is there a 3d background or 2d background, is there camera movement and can I say the shot is complex in some other way.  After that I noted what type of background was needed followed by several columns dedicated to what phase the shot was in (Anim, Cleanup, Color, Shade, Grade, 3D, BG, Final (composite).  They are shown all blue because the film is done, but when I was working on it they were mostly yellow to indicate that that phase had yet to be reached.  You then need some sort of note column, most of my notes relate to how to replicate the 3D shots.  Then I have 2 columns that indicate who is working on what.  Usually you can tint these green when they are working on them.